

Bremen Spurwerk

On the 90,000 square metre site of the former Neustadtsgüterbahnhof - a site of historic importance - a modern area for trade, crafts and urban production is being created.

Close to the city centre, with excellent infrastructure, excellent parking facilities and a high-performance fibre-optic connection.

The excellent location of the site offers not only advertising presence but also high visibility. It will also be a new link between the districts of Neustadt and Woltmershausen - an important beacon project for Bremen.

DGNB pre-certificate in gold

The SPURWERK sets technical, ecological, economic and functional standards. It operates entirely without fossil fuels and offers owners and users greater comfort, lower running costs and a higher market value. For this it has been awarded the DGNB pre-certificate in gold.



Project data & equipment

  • Location: Bremen Neustadt
  • Size of site: approx. 90,000 sqm
  • Distance to city centre: 1.7 km
  • Connections: A6 / B75 / Public transport / City centre
  • Sophisticated property mix
  • Efficient fibre optic connectivity
  • Excellent parking facilities / mobility centre
  • Sustainable and energy efficient design
  • Full accessibility
  • Combination of office and warehouse space
Über 90.000
Spurwerk Arbeitswelt


The new office building is the first of a total of four modern and barrier-free “Arbeitswelten” in Bremen's SPURWERK. The ground floor with its representative foyer has a clear ceiling height of over four metres, the other floors of the new five-storey building score with a clear ceiling height of three metres. In order to act in a sustainable and resource-saving manner, the building was constructed analogue to the EG-40 standard and is to receive the gold certificate of the DGNB. The entire SPURWERK is aiming for DGNB dictrict certification.

Equipment office A

  • Lift
  • Barrier-free access
  • High-performance fibre optic connection
  • LED lighting
  • Clear ceiling height on ground floor
    over 4m, further floors 3m
  • Flexible configurable floor plans
    during the planning phase
Q3 2023

Bremen SPURWERK Commercial unit 1

Commercial unit 1 has a total lettable area of around 2,100 m², which is fully let to the fitness studio operator Basic Fit. Commercial unit 1 also houses SPURWERK's energy centre. With its generous window fronts and eye-catching design, which is based on SPURWERK's corporate identity, the building stands out strongly from classic hall buildings. Commercial unit 1 was built to the ground floor 55 standard and is aiming for DGNB Gold certification.

Equipment Commercial unit 1

  • 3 ground-level doors
  • Floor load capacity 5 t / m²
  • Hall height 8 m UKB
  • High-performance fibre optic connection
  • LED lighting
Januar 2024


Commercial unit 2 was constructed as a modular unit and divided into a total of four separate rental spaces. All four areas are let on long-term leases. The total rental area of commercial unit 2 is around 3,000 m². With its generous window fronts and eye-catching design, which is based on the SPURWERK corporate identity, the building stands out strongly from classic hall buildings. Commercial unit 2 was built to the EG-55 standard and is aiming for DGNB Gold certification. 

Equipment commercial unit 2

  • 4 ground level doors
  • Floor load capacity 5 t / m²
  • Hall height 8 m UKB
  • Powerful fibre optic connection
  • LED lighting
Ende 2023


  • Animierte Darstellung der Innenräume eines der Bürogebäude. Dargestellt ist der Eingangsbereich eines mehrstöckigen Bürogebäudes mit Treppenhaus und Aufzug sowie der Beschriftung der zugehörigen Firmen auf den Etagen.

  • Die Darstellung zeigt eine Animation der Innenräume eines Büros. Abgebildet ist ein mit Glas abgetrenntes Büro für mehrere Personen sowie eine Gemeinschaftsküche mit großen Fenstern.

  • Fotografie aus dem Bauprozess des Spurwerkkomplexes. Dargestellt ist eine große Halle mit hohen Decken und einem Treppenaufgang zu einem offenen ersten Stock, auf dem Boden liegen Bauutensilien.

  • Foto aus der Bauphase des Spurwerkkomplexes. Dargestellt ist eine große Halle mit Glasfront als Eingang und hohen Decken. Außerhalb der Halle sind Baugeräte und weitere Gebäude des Spurwerkkomplexes zu sehen.

  • Fotografie des Bauprozesses des Spurwerkkomplexes. Dargestellt ist ein fertiges großes Gebäude aus grauem Stein, davor ein Bagger auf einem großen aufgeschütteten Feld.

  • Foto aus der Bauphase des Spurwerkkomplexes. Abgebildet sind zwei Gebäude mit mehreren Baufahrzeugen davor.

  • Animated representation of the interior of one of the office buildings. Shown is the entrance area of a multi-storey office building with staircase and lift as well as the labelling of the associated companies on the floors.

  • The illustration shows an animation of the interior of an office. It shows an office for several people separated by glass and a communal kitchen with large windows.

  • Photograph from the construction process of the railway track complex. It shows a large hall with high ceilings and a staircase to an open first floor, with building utensils lying on the floor.

  • Photo taken during the construction phase of the railway track complex. It shows a large hall with a glass front entrance and high ceilings. Outside the hall, you can see construction equipment and other buildings of the railway yard complex.

  • Photograph of the construction process of the trackworks complex. It shows a finished large building made of grey stone, with an excavator in front of it on a large filled-in field.

  • Photo from the construction phase of the railway track complex. The photo shows two buildings with several construction vehicles in front of them.

  • Spurwerk_Arbeitswelt1.jpg

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  • Spurwerk_Arbeitswelt1.jpg

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  • H21042455.jpg